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CemeCon Deutschland


Istanbul, Turkei

CemeCon Deutschland


K-021, Taipei, Taiwan

CemeCon Japan


Tokyo, Japan

Japan has a long tradition in the production of high-end precision tools for the highest demands in machining. Our HiPIMS and diamond coatings are cutting edge technology and offer excellent opportunities for the high-end market in Japan.

CemeCon India


Bangkok, Thailand

Visit us at Metalex at the W.P.P booth. Manish Adwani, Managing Director from CemeCon- India and South East Asia, is looking forward to seeing you!
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CemeCon Deutschland


Ghent, Belgium

AluCon® ensures success in cell phone production

AluCon® ensures success in cell phone production

The Electronics industry, Micromachining, Aerospace, Tool and mould making and Medical technology – the key to High-precision machining of the Micro components and finest contours are tools that are only a few millimetres or even tenths of a millimetre thin.
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